Let's start a project together
Illustration Wolv Kollektiv

The Cave

  • Branding/
  • Web Design/
  • Graphic Design/
  • Web development/
  • PWA/
  • Video/
  • Animation/

Our manifesto

  • We believe in going offline to grow online /
    Going offline with you for a walk really helps to get a clearer view of where you and your company stand. You take the time to get to know each other on a personal and business level, since we would like to build a long-lasting relationship. Next to that we don’t believe in deadlines but in flowlines. I mean don’t get us wrong, we aren’t afraid to work hard but let’s be honest deadlines are not realistic. We believe that they break creative cycles …we want to make sure you don’t end up with a hype product but a timeless concept that lasts. Also good planning helps.

  • We believe the best way is to share and teach /
    By starting the Wolv Kollektiv we are also starting new ideas about running a business. Whats really important? Sharing, we believe that for each branch its important to have happy employees. By updating your office space, sharing food recipes, bringing nature inside the office or taking your whole company outside for different perspectives. We would like to share those ideas we have with you to make your company grow in a different way. As for the future generation, we would like to give them a peek into a possible future. Since making a decision about what you want to study can be super hard. We have all been there and we wished there where more workshops to show us what the possibilities are.That’s what we would like to teach.